The Right Place at the Right Time

As he talked with them, behold, the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, came up out of the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words as before. And David heard him. (1 Samuel 17:23, ESV)

Many success stories are thought to be the result of someone being “in the right place at the right time.” One man might look back after a successful career in business and say he was in the right place at the right time, when it all started. A football player might make the game-winning interception and say he was simply in the right place at the right time.

It is true that good timing can make all the difference, but what often goes unsaid is that in order to take advantage of such opportunities, one must be prepared for the moment. A doctor who happens upon a person in need of medical attention would be of little use without prior medical training.

You could say that this was true for David. He was not a soldier in the army of Israel on the day he defeated the giant Goliath; he was only sent to bring supplies to his older brothers. David “happened” to be there at the moment that Goliath was taunting the army of Israel. David was in the right place at the right time – and his actions and words that day made it clear that he was ready for the challenge of the moment.

ClockDavid was a shepherd. His oldest brother did not consider David’s work to be very important, but David carried it out bravely and diligently. He put his life on the line for the animals under his care, and he developed an unwavering faith in God along the way.

Not only did David trust God as his protector, but he came to the battle lines that day with a desire to defend the name of God. David did not develop his faith that day; he lived an entire life of faith – doing small jobs as if working for the Lord, recognizing the Lord’s grace in his life, and eventually being willing to do anything for God. David was prepared for that moment.

Most days will come and go without something extraordinary happening in our lives. But every day is important: another opportunity to be faithful in the little things, and to nurture that faith in God which will prepare us for whatever God has in store for us. We never know when God himself will put us in the right place at the right time.

In June donations to missionary support funds covered 41.7 percent of all support expenses; $38,727 was used from the General Fund to supplement missionary allowances and $54,491 was used from the Estate Fund to supplement benefit expenses for the month.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

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