Pleasingly Uneventful

The year 2013 was an interesting year for World Mission Prayer League finances – not for its remarkable occurrences, but rather for the lack of them. Most years contain some sort of drama that we would probably rather avoid. But … (read more)

Estate Gifts

Day-to-day giving to the World Mission Prayer League has remained pretty consistent through the years, with steady but modest increases. Donations come from churches and individuals all across the country. Some give once per year, others quarterly, monthly – or … (read more)

Missionary Allowances

The Mission’s General Fund is used to pay administrative expenses first, and then we use it to help cover what may be lacking in missionary allowances. God has abundantly blessed our General Fund with sufficient funds to pay for all … (read more)

Abundant Blessings

God’s blessings often come in ways and at times that are not expected. A look at the financial report from 2012 shows some seemingly poor results; overall income fell 31 percent, expenses increased and were $154,455 more than income for … (read more)