Santal Mission Report

On 26 September 1867, the pioneers of the Santal Mission knelt by a stone in the middle of the mission compound of Benagaria and dedicated their lives to serve the Lord among the people of India. That was 145 years … (read more)

Beauty of Lights

Whenever God calls his people to labor in a different land, there are many unusual situations to be faced. Most of us naturally like to see immediate results in our work, but God instead moves in ways other than those … (read more)


A little leaven, sometimes, goes a long way. Lars Olsen Skrefsrud required a bit of leaven, that’s for sure. He was a rowdy young man, given to drink, carousing and petty thievery. By the time he was eighteen years old, … (read more)


“And we want each one of you to show the same diligence…imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:11,12). I have today visited the grave of Lars Olsen Skrefsrud, in Benagaria, India, away in Santal … (read more)