Our Commitment to Commissioned Living

God the Father has lovingly reconciled all people to himself through his Son Jesus Christ, rescuing them from sin and condemnation (2 Corinthians 5:19), and now by his Holy Spirit empowers all believers in Jesus to be his witnesses throughout the world (Acts 1:8), commissioning them to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:18-20).

Therefore, by God’s grace and presence we commit ourselves to COMMISSIONED LIVING, to the end that God is glorified as people are made disciples of Jesus.

  • We will gladly receive and fully depend on God’s promises and provision, choosing to live simply so as to make the best use of God’s gifts.
  • We will faithfully pray for the advance of God’s Kingdom, particularly among those least reached.
  • We will pursue God’s design for interdependency, discerning and valuing the roles to which God has called each of us for his global mission.
  • We will boldly proclaim God’s Good News by our testimony and love for our neighbor.
  • We will act in accordance with God’s mercy and justice, in advocacy for the weak and marginalized.
  • We will live intentionally in community with the Body of Christ and others, to best care for one another, God’s world, and his abundant gifts.

Would you like to consider biblical and practical ways to embrace and do Commissioned Living? Ancient Christian communities often used what they called a “customary” to explain their values and provide guidance for living them out.

Download here a customary for WMPL’s six practices of Commissioned Living