The Bittersweet Goodness of a Missionary Good-bye
Why do missionary good-byes matter? More often than not, there comes a time when the work we do simply requires that we depart.
Why do missionary good-byes matter? More often than not, there comes a time when the work we do simply requires that we depart.
We find that transitions are simply a natural part of the way God created us. They are also part of his – and our – mission! The gospel that we proclaim changes lives, communities, and cultures. Mission is transition!
Greeting people in a way that makes sense to them is an important first step in relating to them interculturally. Such greetings help move you from being a stranger to becoming a friend. We want you to know that when you partner with the Prayer League, you join us in greeting people around the world with the Good News of Jesus!
> It’s the essential piece that leads to the beautiful culmination of God’s redemptive plan, when the redeemed from all nations will stand before the throne and give praise to Jesus, the Lamb of God.
We have seen what God can do in a drab and dirty world. We will take what God has promised and turn it into prayer. We will take what we have seen and turn it into testimony.
Can you hear the hosannas? All of them? Those hosannas will change you. They’ll change the world.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we have a story to tell. It is a story that the world desperately needs to hear. It is a story of salvation.
In the World Mission Prayer League we prefer to end our year celebrating the birth of our
Savior Jesus! However, as we begin a new year, a review of 2022 seems to me entirely
What if you decided to have a “Mary” Christmas, spending time “at the feet of Jesus” to take in what he wants to give, to hear what he wants to say? What if you put aside your “to-do” list for a while and considered the “I’ve-done-it-for-you” list of Jesus?
God sometimes surprisingly repurposes sinners like you and me to be his servants, working in perhaps unexpected ways to spread his light into a dark world. You’ve been repurposed!