
The Great Commission is followed immediately by the Great Provision. Have you noticed? “Go…and make disciples of all nations” is the compelling commission. But then comes the wonderful, enabling provision: “Remember, I am with you always…” (Mat 28:19,20 NRSV). “I’ll … (read more)


From the beginning of our life and work together, we have valued simplicity: a lean, low-overhead, “simple” approach to our ministry. From the Handbook we read: “In the use of money and goods the Mission believes that it is God’s … (read more)


“When you join a mission like ours it is like joining a family,” Paul Lindell wrote in March of 1951. He was writing to a missionary inquirer, describing one of the core values of the World Mission Prayer League. “There … (read more)


The World Mission Prayer League is not, in the first place, a missionary sending agency. I hope that you are not surprised. Yes, we send missionaries. We fund and administer missionary projects. But this is not our primary work. We … (read more)

Getting Vulgar

“I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did — Jesus crucified.” (, Peterson). June is a season of wonderful passages. Freshly minted graduates emerge from high schools and colleges. … (read more)

Greater than “The Force”

“Something greater… is here” (Matthew 12:6,41,42) It is the cinematographic event of the century. In the history of film media, no debut has been more eagerly anticipated. Star Wars Episode One will visit a theater near you, beginning May 19. … (read more)