Charles & Anita


Charles and Anita Jackson serve in WMPL Canada. Charles is the Executive Director of WMPL Canada and Anita works with Prayer Mobilization and Communications.

Charles and Anita have served with WMPL since 2001 in Samburu, Kenya, Africa and then in Mongolia, Asia. They were called and began to serve in the WMPL Canada Home Office in 2018. Charles is a pastor who worked in discipleship, leadership training and project development. Anita is a teacher who taught literacy and English as a Second Language. They want to encourage churches in North America to pray for the harvest. As God answers these prayers, they hope to empower a new generation of workers to go and share with those who have limited or no access to the gospel.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Luke 10:2 ESV