Chris & Kristin


Chris serves with a primary focus on Unreached People Groups Prayer Advocacy. In this assignment he brings definition and clarity to our role in prayer for Unreached People Groups around the globe. Kristin teaches high school Spanish and English part time.

Chris and Kristin and family bring to the Prayer League a combined ministry experience of 35 years serving in Ecuador as World Mission Prayer League (WMPL) workers. Chris also brings with him experience from cross-cultural service with Operation Mobilization (ship ministry), Emmanuel International (Jamaica), and Serving in Mission-SIM (Ecuador).

Area congregations are encouraged to contact them to learn about God’s heart for all nations and WMPL’s work amongst Unreached Peoples.

“Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession.”

Psalm 2:8 NAS

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