Jon & Vee

Africa The Gambia

Jonathan (Jon) and Odette (Vee) Gowin serve in Gambia, West Africa, along with their children Joshua and Abigail.

In Gambia, Muslims make up 95% of the population and Christians 4%. Nevertheless, many Gambian Christians have caught the vision for reaching their own people with the Gospel, and many are engaged in home mission work.

The Gowins are supporting Gambia’s growing indigenous mission movement by partnering with churches and with Indigenous Mission of West Africa (IMWA) which operates upcountry where the needs are greatest. The Gowins are involved in various aspects of IMWA’s ministry, which includes evangelistic outreaches, discipleship programs, planting churches, and training workers.

With 14 people groups in Gambia classified as “unreached,” much work remains to be done. Please pray for the Gowins as they preach and teach, working hand in hand with Gambian brothers and sisters and equipping them to serve on the frontlines of ministry in their home country.

“The harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in. Pray to the owner of the harvest that he will send out workers to gather in his harvest.”

Matthew 9:37-38 GNT

“”Our prayers unite in God’s concern for the harvest, make us of one mind, heart, and will with him, partners of Jesus himself.”

R. Lenski