Juan & Anne

Bolivia Latin America

Juan & Anne were called to join the World Mission Prayer League (WMPL) and live in La Paz, Bolivia, where Juan serves in the areas of leadership development, planting new churches, and identifying potential workers willing to partner in global missions.

As a member of the Prayer Mobilization team, Juan also gives support to our church partners in Latin America to mobilize them in prayer. Out of theses prayer meetings, a Lutheran Seminary of Theology was born, in order to offer to the Lutheran partners in Latin America a solid confessional formation and in context. At the present time the classes are online with plans to expand and make it hybrid (online and in person).

Anne actively supports Juan’s ministry, helping wherever there is a need. She also home schools their youngest daughter and is in charge of hospitality ministry at home, where they receive visitors and workers from various parts of the world.

Please pray that God will continue to provide the support they need for schooling and for all of their needs as they continue to serve in Latin America.

Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Luke 10:2 NIV

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