
North America USA
North America

Lesie currently is assigned to the Prayer Mobilization Program. Working in conjunction with a diverse cross-section of global workers, the Prayer Mobilization team seeks to mobilize and engage believers around the world to understand and pray for populations with limited to no access to the gospel as God has encouraged the church to do. In addition, the Prayer Mobilization team seeks to design programs and events that instruct people in how to pray for those populations. Finally, the Prayer Mobilization team fully expects that God will call some of those who are practicing these prayers to go to these areas. To support that call, the Prayer Mobilization team seeks to encourage intentional knowledgeable prayer as God does his work in the hearts of people to bring them into fellowship with himself through his son, Jesus Christ. 

Finally, our friends, please pray for us. This will help the message about the Lord to spread quickly, and others will respect it, just as you do.

2 Thessalonians 3:1 CEV

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