Location: Kenya
Outreach Development
Someone with a passion for mission outreach and discipleship work among the unreached, especially the Samburu ethnic community with possibilities for extension to neighboring pastoralist communities.
Solar Engineer
With training, skills, and experience in solar technology to work with our rural youth discipleship program in green energy development and, if possible, to do solar innovations as a core part of youth discipleship.
Medical Doctor/Nurse
Help to promote primary healthcare in collaboration with the church in underdeveloped and remote parts of Kenya. It has been proven historically that medical work in Africa continues be the practical feet and hands of the gospel.
Samburu Outreach
Imagine what it was like for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob herding their flocks and finding water at a well. It’s still like that today in the remote desert, mountainous and plains area of north central Kenya where the Samburu people … (read more)
Youth Worker
There is opportunity to partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya (ELCK) to develop a department of youth ministry in Northern and Coastal Kenya. This could also include development of a sports outreach ministry Location: Kenya Start Date: Duration: … (read more)
Kathleen has been serving in Kenya for 14 years, primarily with the poor and teaching the Christian faith. She recently began working in partnership with Theovision International based in Nairobi in response to Jesus’s command, “Therefore go and make disciples … (read more)
Julia & Vincent
Julia and Vincent follow God into the most remote desert locations in Samburu county, northern Kenya. Their passion and focus is showing The Jesus Film to unreached people in these isolated areas. Their long-term goal is to bring full knowledge … (read more)