Old Worn Bible

Getting Our Callings Right (Again) …

There are so many ways to get missionary callings wrong. One of the most common, as I mentioned last month, is to suppose that we are called to go some­where and to do some thing, first of all. Well, no, … (read more)

Keeping It Plain and Simple

Not long ago I stumbled upon an interesting report describing the amount of information “consumed” by the average American household. The analysis was produced by the University of California in San Diego and reported in the New York Times. The … (read more)

Used Bible


Theologians will sometimes describe a “formal” and a “material” principle that beat at the heart of the Protestant Reformation. The “material” principle is, in a sense, the content of the Reformation: its basic teachings and program – and in particular … (read more)

When Lost in the Woods …

Like so very many of our human family, Lutherans can get lost in the woods. We saw evidence of the frailty a few weeks ago here in Minneapolis. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gathered in our city in August … (read more)