
Four Out of Five

In the first full week of June, our missionary staff, inquirers and candidates, together with a few members of our governing Council, gathered in retreat at a family resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. We gathered to pray for the evangelization … (read more)

Pen & Paper by Ramunas Geciauskas • CC BY 2.0

Mission by Checklist!

Recently I stumbled upon an interesting experiment undertaken in eight teaching hospitals here and there around the world. The experiment was simple and straightforward. It cost virtually nothing. And it saved thousands of lives. Surgeons were asked to perform a … (read more)

Now … Let’s Get Going!

This month, now at midsummer, let’s get going. There is very much work to do! Sometimes, of course, we should be slowing down. We must measure our pace along the road to Jericho, for example – as the Good Samaritan … (read more)


It is a little word, in many ways, and unassuming. Yet it is large enough to convey our deepest Christian identity — and our mandate as Christians in the world. “Kaleo,” in New Testament Greek. “Called.” “In the use of … (read more)