The Vision will Surely Come

Political calamity. Debilitating illness. Detour. Disappointment. It is one thing to have a vision for the thing to be done; it is quite another to accomplish it. We find detours along the way. Have you ever noticed? Detour and disappointment are … (read more)

Wild Horses

Visions of Horses

I am thinking to invent a new missiological subspecialty. I propose calling it “The Equestrian Assisted Missiology” – TEAM, for short. (Missiologists are fond of acronyms.) The idea occurred to me while reading through the Book of Zechariah, once again … (read more)

Rahab, the Harlot Heroine

In chapter two of James we find a classic New Testament statement regarding the relationship between faith and works. “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead” (v. 26). The New Testament church … (read more)

Jonah (cc) Brother Lawrence OP

The sign of Jonah

I have recently spent a week or so in the Book of Jonah. There is high adventure in this book: a missionary calling disastrously deferred; a crashing storm at sea; a whale of a fish who intervenes when all seems … (read more)

Write That big!

For many years, I have been impressed with a little verse from the second chapter of Habakkuk. It is a verse that the Apostle Paul picked up many years later, in his Epistle to the Romans (1:17). It is a … (read more)

A Day of Small Things

It was, it seemed, “a day of small things” (Zechariah 4:10). Have you ever had days like that? The setting was big enough – enormous, in fact. God himself was writing a Story – the broad and beautiful story of … (read more)

The “North Country!”

God is at work! He is writing a wonderful story throughout the pages of human history – a story full of love and mission, high adventure and great daring. It is a story that involves you. “You can learn something … (read more)

Hidden Among the Myrtle Trees

The prophet Zechariah appears on the scene in the year 519 before Christ, approximately – and in the nick of time. Twenty years earlier, the people of Israel had returned from a long captivity in Babylon, full of vision, enthusiasm … (read more)

Zeroes in Zeraphath

"Elijah was sent…to a widow at Zarephath" (Luke 4:26). I have been thinking lately of the widow of Zarephath and the wonderful visit of Elijah – a story recorded in 1 Kings 17. A photo-essay in the New York Times … (read more)