
I felt that Sunday afternoon, June 30, 2013, was a bit of an historic day here for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK). Unfortunately, it went by unnoticed, unadvertised and unattended by most people… but it was at Kibera … (read more)


Last month we reviewed the remarkable growth of the church here and there around the world: 50,000 sisters and brothers in Mongolia, up from a handful three decades ago; a million more in Nepal; nearly half-a-billion on the continent of … (read more)

A Place at the Borderline

It is estimated that one third of our human family has yet to hear the Good News. More than two billion persons. The Good News is not broadcast on their radios. The Good News is not available in their bookstores. … (read more)

The Task Remaining: Unreached Peoples

In some circles, as we observed last month, it has become fashionable to maintain that the missionary task of the church is completed. The church was sent into the world, it is true, once upon a time. Then we got … (read more)


Four Out of Five

In the first full week of June, our missionary staff, inquirers and candidates, together with a few members of our governing Council, gathered in retreat at a family resort near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. We gathered to pray for the evangelization … (read more)


In recent months we have described a handful of elements at the heart of our missionary community. We are a community at work – Kingdom work, whatever our trade or profession (November 2009). Our work is our witness – the … (read more)

Spain Matters

Over the past few weeks, I have been spending some time in Paul’s Letter to the Romans. What a document! Luther considered it “the most important piece in the New Testament.” Melanchthon judged it the “summary of all Christian doctrine.” … (read more)

The Ends of the Earth

In the past few months we have revisited our fundamental identity as an organization. We are the World Mission Prayer League. A committed community — this makes us a “league.” With a “working method” — we pray. Commissioned to gospel … (read more)

Too Little Scattering

“My constant ambition has been to preach the gospel where the name of Christ was previously unknown, and to avoid building on another man’s foundation, as Scripture says: They shall see, to whom no tidings of him came, and they … (read more)