The Spirit of God was Moving (Book Cover)

The Spirit of God is Moving!

In 1985, Millie Tengbom published a gripping account of the early years of the World Mission Prayer League. She titled the volume, The Spirit of God was Moving. The book begins in 1929 with Weinhardt’s famous vision, penned in “the … (read more)

Ernest Weinhardt, circa 1929

The Vision

“Tonight a vision came into my mind. I will write it here just as I was prompted to write it when I saw the vision….” – Ernest Weinhardt (October 17, 1929) In the western Sudan of Africa, slightly-built, brown-haired, blue-eyed … (read more)

Ernest and Hildegarde Weinhardt, c.1931

Can God Do These Things? Yes!

God gave the vision in 1929: you can read the story of Weinhardt’s famous vision on the facing page. God sowed the vision in 1932: Weinhardt and his family arrived in Minneapolis, planting the vision wherever they could. God blessed … (read more)

William Booth's Vision

Industriously Scheming

A few weeks ago, I pulled out a bit of history. And this bit pulled back. It happened one day during our annual missionary candidates’ Briefing Course, held every summer during the month of June. I was leading a Bible … (read more)

Wild Horses

Visions of Horses

I am thinking to invent a new missiological subspecialty. I propose calling it “The Equestrian Assisted Missiology” – TEAM, for short. (Missiologists are fond of acronyms.) The idea occurred to me while reading through the Book of Zechariah, once again … (read more)