
The Task Remaining: Strategic Partnerships

At the end of Matthew’s gospel, we find the Great Commission of Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19, NRSV). This is the program that has driven the church – and people like you – since … (read more)

Rich Toward God

“And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”” – Luke 12:19 The parable of the rich fool, a strong warning against greed, at first glance seems … (read more)

Karina & her father after her sight is restored.

Karina’s Story

A couple years ago, at an outreach clinic about a 3.5 hour drive from the hospital, we saw a 10-year-old girl and her father. The girl was blind in one eye from a scar covering her pupil after a previous … (read more)

Kathi's Childhood Home

It’s Smaller Than I Remember

When I was growing up my family of six shared a two bedroom house on a corner. It was the first house my parents ever bought. The basement flooded every spring when the rains came. For a time all four … (read more)

The Task Remaining: Unreached Peoples

In some circles, as we observed last month, it has become fashionable to maintain that the missionary task of the church is completed. The church was sent into the world, it is true, once upon a time. Then we got … (read more)

IRA Charitable Rollover

In December 2010 President Obama signed into law the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In addition to a wide range of income and estate tax changes, the act extended the IRA Charitable Rollover for the … (read more)

The Task Remaining

In some modern circles, it has become fashionable to maintain that the missionary task of the church is completed. Once upon a time, it is reckoned, the Great Commission of Jesus Christ commanded our collective attention, demanded our personal involvement, … (read more)


“…but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14 Two days of heavy rain in mid-July overwhelmed … (read more)

Missionary Support

Every once in a while I can’t resist the urge to tabulate statistics. It is something that I have always enjoyed and something that my position at the Home Office occasionally requires, so that works out nicely. I recently took … (read more)

William Booth's Vision

Industriously Scheming

A few weeks ago, I pulled out a bit of history. And this bit pulled back. It happened one day during our annual missionary candidates’ Briefing Course, held every summer during the month of June. I was leading a Bible … (read more)