“The Neglected Continent”

Latin America was famously “neglected” at the Edinburgh World Missionary Conference in 1910. But the continent was not entirely overlooked. In preparation for his presentations at Edinburgh, Samuel Zwemer asked a young Robert Speer to produce “a map of South … (read more)

Mocomoco, Bolivia (circa 1938)

Convinced That God Was Calling

Snow crunched under foot and crisp winter winds whipped rosy color into the cheeks as worshippers, bundled in warm winter clothing, hurried into the “Little Homelike Church” – Trinity Lutheran Church of Minnehaha Falls – the night of December 5, … (read more)

The Spirit of God was Moving (Book Cover)

The Spirit of God is Moving!

In 1985, Millie Tengbom published a gripping account of the early years of the World Mission Prayer League. She titled the volume, The Spirit of God was Moving. The book begins in 1929 with Weinhardt’s famous vision, penned in “the … (read more)

Ernest Weinhardt, circa 1929

The Vision

“Tonight a vision came into my mind. I will write it here just as I was prompted to write it when I saw the vision….” – Ernest Weinhardt (October 17, 1929) In the western Sudan of Africa, slightly-built, brown-haired, blue-eyed … (read more)

We Are Thankful!

Dear friends, Just a quick note to update you on the progress of the coffee house. A lot has been accomplished, and we’re at the stage now where almost every day there are very noticeable changes. Next week, among other … (read more)

Karina & her father after her sight is restored.

Karina’s Story

A couple years ago, at an outreach clinic about a 3.5 hour drive from the hospital, we saw a 10-year-old girl and her father. The girl was blind in one eye from a scar covering her pupil after a previous … (read more)

Kathi's Childhood Home

It’s Smaller Than I Remember

When I was growing up my family of six shared a two bedroom house on a corner. It was the first house my parents ever bought. The basement flooded every spring when the rains came. For a time all four … (read more)

What Can I Do to Be a Missionary?

One day a letter came to our Mission Office with the following request: “Dear Sir, I am a sophomore in college. I plan to spend my life as a missionary in some foreign country. Please tell me how I can … (read more)