The Offering
I imagine that the League has offered hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of prayers and tens of thousands of hours collectively in prayer, and God is hearing and advancing his Kingdom in response!
I imagine that the League has offered hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of prayers and tens of thousands of hours collectively in prayer, and God is hearing and advancing his Kingdom in response!
Kingdom workers are really vessels of such epiphany or revelation of God’s Good News to all the peoples of the world. God set a plan of salvation through the birth, death and resurrection of his son, Jesus. He continues to carry on this plan to this day and he invites us to be part of this plan.
We currently find ourselves needing to fulfill two important roles: Staff Accountant and Maintenance Technician. As a praying community, we pray to the Lord of the harvest for his abundant and perfect provision.
A number of years ago, I read Robert Emmons’ book Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier. In the book, Emmons writes about his findings in an academic study on the science of gratitude. Using scientific research methods, he … (read more)
Organizations like ours don’t simply descend from the sky. We are immersed in a story larger than ourselves. We are threads in a larger fabric. We have “taken root downward,” to borrow an image from Isaiah, that we might “bear … (read more)
Paul and Pris Gossman have long understood themselves to be called to mission. After Paul’s graduation from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, they served as missionaries in the tribal highlands of the Philippines, training leaders and planting churches. Along with … (read more)
This is an exciting time for our organization. As we celebrate what the Lord of the Harvest has done through His tireless servants, Chuck & Cindy, we are counting on the Holy Spirit to lead us into a new season of … (read more)
Last month we considered the irreducible core of our Lutheran Confessions: we are saved only, only by grace. But the Confessions say more than this. We are saved by grace – through faith. And only, only through faith. Here again … (read more)
I have served as Business Manager of the World Mission Prayer League for more than 12 years. I have always enjoyed the end of the year process because it gives us a chance to pause, add up all of the financial activity from the … (read more)
Saturday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal has left thousands injured and dead. Many folks have been inquiring as to the well-being of our workers. All of our fellow workers in Nepal and the surrounding areas have reported that they are uninjured. … (read more)