And [Jesus] sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny…
Mark 12:41-42 ESV
In Mark 12:41-44, we read about Jesus watching people putting money into the offering box, and we get a report of many wealthy people putting in large sums of money. Jesus continues to watch and sees a poor widow come and put in two small copper coins. At this, he calls his disciples and teaches them that this widow gave more than those who contributed large amounts to the offering box because she gave not out of her abundance but everything she had to live on.
It is incredible to think that everything we have is actually a gift from God. God alone truly knows us and the unique circumstances of our lives. Not only does he know the circumstances of our lives, but he is watching us to see how we respond to his leading. I am convinced that as we listen to him, we will continue to hear him leading us at times to pray, at other times to go somewhere or to someone, and still at different times to contribute the resources he has entrusted us to steward in order to advance his Kingdom.
In my experience, trusting God and submitting to his will is terrifying yet wholly freeing. I am so thankful to be a member of this community of believers who commits to praying, giving, and following him.
I cannot quantify the number, frequency, duration, or total volume of the collective fragrant offering of prayer contributed by you, the World Mission Prayer League, in 2024. I imagine that the League has offered hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of prayers and tens of thousands of hours collectively in prayer, and God is hearing and advancing his Kingdom in response!
In 2024, there were 866 of you who contributed over $3.2 million to the work of the World Mission Prayer League. The vast majority (533) contributed between $1 and $1000 in total for the year.
Each and every one of you is making a significant contribution! I am happy to report that, due to your faithful prayer and giving, all of our workers received full allowance in December. We thank God for your faithfulness in prayer and sacrificial giving and look to him for support for our workers in 2025. Thank you all for contributing to the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more workers!
ALLOWANCE: Designated Support Funds: | $35,812 |
General Support Fund: | $29,423 |
Transfer from General Fund: | $0 |
BENEFITS: Designated Support Funds: | $71,198 |
Transfer from Estate Fund: | $0 |
Donations to Benefits Fund: | $75 |
Number of full-time worker units: | 25 |
Worker Units with 100% allowance | 25 |
Minimum allowance provided: | 100% |