A Community at Prayer

Last month, we described our “league-ness.” This month let us remind ourselves: the World Mission Prayer League is a community at prayer. I write to you from the backbone of the Andes, the high altiplano of Bolivia. I have been … (read more)

Remembering our “League-ness”

  I have been reading a wonderful book in recent days by Alan Hirsch, a converted Australian Jew. He calls it “The Forgotten Ways” (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2006). We have been forgetting things though the years, Hirsch contends. Ways … (read more)


“When you join a mission like ours it is like joining a family,” Paul Lindell wrote in March of 1951. He was writing to a missionary inquirer, describing one of the core values of the World Mission Prayer League. “There … (read more)