
I felt that Sunday afternoon, June 30, 2013, was a bit of an historic day here for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK). Unfortunately, it went by unnoticed, unadvertised and unattended by most people… but it was at Kibera … (read more)

“Not alone…”

The World Mission Prayer League has been at work in Africa since 1968, as you will read in this month’s newsletter. We were centuries late to the scene. The gospel has been at work in Africa since New Testament times … (read more)

A Prisoner of the Lord

We had been in Kenya only a month and a half when he appeared one afternoon at the reception counter of the Emmaus Bible Correspondence School in downtown Nairobi. Truly he was the prisoner of the Lord and, though his … (read more)

Remembering our “League-ness”

  I have been reading a wonderful book in recent days by Alan Hirsch, a converted Australian Jew. He calls it “The Forgotten Ways” (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2006). We have been forgetting things though the years, Hirsch contends. Ways … (read more)