A little leaven, sometimes, goes a long way. Lars Olsen Skrefsrud required a bit of leaven, that’s for sure. He was a rowdy young man, given to drink, carousing and petty thievery. By the time he was eighteen years old, … (read more)
A little leaven, sometimes, goes a long way. Lars Olsen Skrefsrud required a bit of leaven, that’s for sure. He was a rowdy young man, given to drink, carousing and petty thievery. By the time he was eighteen years old, … (read more)
“And we want each one of you to show the same diligence…imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:11,12). I have today visited the grave of Lars Olsen Skrefsrud, in Benagaria, India, away in Santal … (read more)