We Are Thankful!

Dear friends,

Just a quick note to update you on the progress of the coffee house. A lot has been accomplished, and we’re at the stage now where almost every day there are very noticeable changes. Next week, among other things, the downstairs flooring is scheduled to be installed. We’ve spent quite a bit of time shopping and choosing various materials and selections.

This continues to be a challenging and interesting process as we negotiate communication barriers, both with terminology and in design concepts. We’re very thankful for our believing contractor who continues to show great patience. He’s been a joy to work with. The enthusiasm in the community for this new project is also a blessing – as are the many friends who are eager to help!

We continue to pray for wisdom in a number of things, including an opening date. It looks as though the construction will be done around the end of November or early December. We think we’ll need at least another couple weeks to furnish, decorate and work with new staff.

That brings us close to Christmas, followed closely by Chinese New Year. So, we’re tentatively planning a “soft” opening in early January with the grand opening in early February, shortly after Chinese New Year. Please pray with us about the timing of this. Excitement seems to be building as we talk with people, hand out “coming soon” cards, visit English corners at local schools, etc. Please also continue to pray with us for finances, quality of construction, safety of workers, favor with authorities, and that this project will be a blessing to all involved in it.

Thanks again to all of you for standing with us in prayer!
We are thankful!

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