Immanuel “God With Us.”

God has been with us since the beginning of his creation. He has always loved us and he has always cared for us. However, because of sin we distanced ourselves from him. We thought that we, alone and independent of … (read more)

Just Tell Them About Jesus

The title of this article comes from a WMPL Fellow Workers article that Bob Andrews wrote over twenty years ago. As background, Bob’s article shared how he witnessed patients in an East Asia hospital ward enthralled with flannelgraph stories of … (read more)


Thanks to the imperative mood in the Greek language there is no ambivalence: Jesus isn’t asking, he is commanding, and when the Lord of the Universe commands, Philip had better obey!

Jesus’ Invitation to Come

In thinking of global mission we often stress Jesus’ command to “Go!” but I reflected on this word “come” for a sermon I recently shared

Jehovah-Jireh, God Will Provide

So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” Genesis 22:14 ESV Being in this role has given me and … (read more)

WMPL’s Unique Characteristics in Mission

In last month’s article, entitled “Who Are We?” I presented our work to define seven values that we believe will be important for us to manifest in our quest to be obedient to the mission Jesus has given us. In … (read more)

Lunch Fellowship at WMPL

Who Are We?

In June we had the opportunity as a Board and staff to ask ourselves again who we are in light of a changing context within and outside of the World Mission Prayer League.

It is important that we hear what you think of what our Board and staff have proposed. Please prayerfully review the information in this article and its continuation on page 6 and provide your feedback. We need to hear from you.

God Cares for All Our Needs

We invite you to join us in prayer as we conduct surveys and research healthcare providers and solutions in the months to come. Please pray for wisdom and understanding for those involved in this process and those in the decision-making process.