The payroll calculations for the month of June are complete. During the month we fell short of the necessary amount to pay full allowances, however this month we were only $16,450 short. It is still a significant amount but it is far better than what we have seen the past three months. No estate funds were used this month to supplement allowance. Of the 51 full-time missionary units that we currently have 15 received 100% of targeted allowances, 32 received 68%, and four fell in between 68% and full allowance.
WMPL policy during the last three years allowed the use of available estate funds to supplement short allowances up to 80% of the target amount. Last month the Council approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee to use estate funds for the purpose of supplementing allowances only up to 65% of the target amount. Since we reached a minimum of 68% allowance in June without the use of estate funds, no estate funds were needed this month.
Thank you to all who prayed earnestly for our financial situation and to all who did what they could financially to help out. As you know during the last three months we were about $40,000 short of the necessary amount to pay full allowances in each of those months. This month we were only $16,450 short. During the last three months estate funds made it possible to increase allowances considerably. This month there were virtually no estate funds to fall back on but God provided enough through regular donations. I personally was very encouraged by this.
Do keep the finances of the Prayer League before the Lord in prayer.
In Him,
Jeffrey Dahl
Business Manager ???????