“Real” Missionaries

Years ago, when I began preparing for the mission field, I overheard a member of a potential donor body say, “I don’t want to support an accountant.” “Real” missionaries, he must have thought, are evangelists, church planters, teachers, doctors, and nurses. But accountants? Maybe not.

I am happy to report that the committee agreed to provide me with missionary support, anyway. The incident, however, stayed with me for a long time. That comment and my own natural feelings of inadequacy led to lingering doubts regarding the genuineness of my missionary status.

Recently, in a conversation with a friend, this lingering doubt popped up again. I was going through a chaotic time, and feeling somewhat stressed. My friend sensed that I was feeling down, then took me aside and said, “Terry, do you remember who George Marshall was?” I somehow drew a blank. My friend explained that he was referring to General George Marshall, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, during World War II. The Germans attributed their defeat to General Marshall, not to Eisenhower or Patton. It was the administrative and logistical systems built by General Marshall that eventually overwhelmed the Axis powers. General Marshall believed that for every soldier you have on the front line you must have 10 people in support. My friend assured me that support personnel are vital in missions as well. My friend is known for having a word of encouragement and an unusual fact or two to relate. We prayed together and I was encouraged.

The disciples learned the need for support people quite early in their ministry. In Acts chapter 6, they chose seven men to look after practical community needs so they could focus on prayer and other ministry. We still have practical community needs.As I write this, our Home Office staff is conducting “Briefing Course” for new missionaries, prospects, and inquirers. Over the last two months or so I have witnessed the sacrifice and hard work going into this event. This is the largest group in Briefing Course we have had in many years! I am impressed with how smoothly the program has gone and how rich the instruction has been. That is a testimony to the dedication of our Home Office team. Praise God for them! Please join me as well in prayer for their encouragement and support.*

* Last month we were “short” in missionary allowances, for the first time in many months. Our Home Office team was especially affected.

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