Jehovah-Jireh, God Will Provide

So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”

Genesis 22:14 ESV

Being in this role has given me and others in the home office the opportunity to see first-hand how God continues to provide for his mission in many miraculous ways. We often receive encouraging phone calls and letters from partners and supporters like yourselves that feel called to pray for our workers and to support their ministries.

About a month ago, I received a call from a WMPL supporter. She mentioned that she had disconnected from the Prayer League for a few years and that while doing some cleaning she found our newsletter from a few years ago. She felt led to call us to reconnect and to start praying for our ministries again. She was apologetic for not calling us sooner. She also requested that I help her set up a recurring donation to the Prayer League. With a humorous sense of urgency, she told me that she did not have many years left on this earth and that she wanted to invest in our work as much as the Lord provides. I thanked her for her generosity and commitment to serve the Lord in this way. At the end of our conversation, I had a chance to pray with her and with an emotional voice she thanked me and then we said goodbye.

At other times, we are encouraged to receive phone calls from prayer warriors that simply want to hear updates about specific workers or ministries to help them focus their prayers. More recently, we received a considerable gift to our Missionary Support Fund from a final trust distribution. The letter from the trustee had these encouraging words: “Please be aware that the giver respected your organization and the good work that you do. We trust that this gift will be a blessing to your organization and the people who you serve.” We remember these praying partners and faithful supporters and thank God for their lives and legacy.

Just as Abraham commemorated God’s provision by calling the place Jehovah-Jireh, we praise our Lord Jehovah for providing in his timing and according to his perfect plans to accomplish his redemptive mission in the world. We are pleased to report that all workers received full allowances and benefits for the month of July. Thank you for your generous and prayerful partnership towards the Lord’s calling for the World Mission Prayer League.


ALLOWANCE: Designated Support Funds:$36,469
General Support Fund:$26,632
Transfer from General Fund:$5,301
BENEFITS: Designated Support Funds:$57,351
Transfer from Estate Fund:$0
Donations to Benefits Fund:$75
Number of full-time worker units:26
Worker Units with 100% allowance26
Minimum allowance provided:100%

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