
He Can Use Our Vocation To Do Something Miraculous

God can miraculously provide for us in our daily lives, through our daily tasks, when we act in obedience and listen to his voice. I hope you have seen God’s miraculous provision for you this last year, even as you pay your taxes!

Ask for the Ancient Paths

We must be in step with the Lord, have the skills to achieve our mission and remain viable without compromising what God wants us to be. Our identity statements, which have been prayerfully developed, help guide us.

The Offering

I imagine that the League has offered hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of prayers and tens of thousands of hours collectively in prayer, and God is hearing and advancing his Kingdom in response!

Loving Obedience

We must choose to obey and use our precious time on this earth to love God and people according to the greatest commandment of all and one like it: “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and your neighbor as yourself,”

God Revealed to the World

Kingdom workers are really vessels of such epiphany or revelation of God’s Good News to all the peoples of the world. God set a plan of salvation through the birth, death and resurrection of his son, Jesus. He continues to carry on this plan to this day and he invites us to be part of this plan.

Celebrating the Manifestation of Jesus As Messiah

Many Christians around the world celebrate Epiphany, a celebration (Christian Feast Day) that began around the fourth century along with Advent. Western Churches traditionally celebrate it on January 6th, Eastern Orthodox Churches on January 19th. Most people see Epiphany primarily … (read more)

Immanuel “God With Us.”

God has been with us since the beginning of his creation. He has always loved us and he has always cared for us. However, because of sin we distanced ourselves from him. We thought that we, alone and independent of … (read more)

Just Tell Them About Jesus

The title of this article comes from a WMPL Fellow Workers article that Bob Andrews wrote over twenty years ago. As background, Bob’s article shared how he witnessed patients in an East Asia hospital ward enthralled with flannelgraph stories of … (read more)


Thanks to the imperative mood in the Greek language there is no ambivalence: Jesus isn’t asking, he is commanding, and when the Lord of the Universe commands, Philip had better obey!