
Divine Appointments and the Cornerstone

This article follows up on last month’s, partly because my wife and I recently experienced what we believe were divine appointments among those in the Muslim world observing the fasting month of Ramadan. We believe that, in some way or … (read more)

Jesus’ Appearances Continue to Transform

The testimonies of the many people whose lives have been transformed by such speak for themselves. Let’s pray with confidence and faith for more of these supernatural encounters to take place.

What Are Fielding Costs

Fielding costs are determined by two main factors: the cost of living in the location where the commissioned worker serves and the size of the worker’s household.

Addressing Our Blind Spots

If we expect to deepen our walk with Christ and effectively carry out our task of sharing the gospel, we must acknowledge that we all have blind spots or areas that need adjusting.

Our Lord’s Provision

Now that the “dust has settled” from closing the financial books of 2023, I would like to show you how the Lord of the harvest has chosen to financially provide for the World Mission Prayer League this past year. Praise … (read more)

Depending on Our Faithful God

Happy New Year, dear friends! Our Business Office has been busy with end-of-year tasks, processing December gifts, and closing our finances. Once all is completed, we will be able to produce clear reports regarding the Lord’s provision in 2023. We … (read more)