As I struggle to write what will be my last article for Together in Prayer, I realize that I cannot write about legacies and the profound insights I have gained from serving the Lord for more than 22 years. The pressure I have been working under for the last few months has prevented me from getting my thoughts together along those lines. I also know from giving up previous careers that you really do not know what you have until after you’ve given it up. Perhaps after a few months of peace, rest and prayer, I will have an opportunity to come back and share those thoughts.
In the meantime, I want to thank you all for your prayers and support over these years for me, for the Prayer League, for missions – and for the lost. Your faithfulness in prayer and in giving has been an incredible witness to me. I enjoyed talking with you on the phone, helping you connect with our global workers, and listening to your words of appreciation and encouragement.
I also want to thank my fellow workers whose dedication, witness and daily sacrifice have provided me with models to emulate. My shortcomings have not been due to a lack of good examples of Christian service. Please continue to support and pray for these workers. Pray especially for Chris and Betty, who will be taking charge of finance and administration for the Prayer League as Ann and I leave. They have an immense task to do and a steep learning curve. Thank the Lord for calling them to this task, and for equipping them for all that will come.

Finally, I would like to ask you to pray that more accountants and administrators would hear the Lord’s call to missions and ministry. The world continues to get more and more complex. Being good stewards of the Lord’s resources requires professional managers and finance people. As church and mission organizations succeed and grow, they need professionally trained people to enable those called to preach, teach, counsel and medically treat to focus on applying the gifts God gave them. I am specifically speaking of you empty nesters. You do not need to build up more treasure on earth. Seek the Lord and answer his call. It is extremely rewarding and fulfilling to serve the Lord.