Financial Accountability

“We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.”
– 2 Corinthians 8:20-21

In the first century the Macedonian churches took up an offering for the brothers in Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul was responsible for delivering the gift. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul demonstrated what might be considered good rules for financial accountability. He endeavored to “do what was right” before God and before men. And he did not attempt to administer the gift alone; he asked two reputable brothers to accompany him to Jerusalem.

The World Mission Prayer League follows a similar model for financial accountability. First, and above all, we aim to administer the gifts that we receive in a way that is “right…in the eyes of the Lord.” And we choose “reputable men” to accompany us along the way – our auditing firm and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

For many years we have contracted an independent audit performed by John A. Knutson and Company. A team of professional auditors spend three to four days in our offices, examining transactions, asking questions, investigating procedures, and ensuring that funds are handled exactly as we say they are and in accordance with current law. Our books are entirely open to our auditors as they produce our annual financial statements. The process ensures that funds are being administered responsibly “also in the eyes of men.”

We are members as well of the ECFA – a kind of financial watchdog for religious organizations. Any religious organization may apply for membership. But only those who demonstrate financial accountability that meets government and biblical standards are approved. The ECFA looks over our books and statements every year, and makes a field visit about once every four years. We have been members in good standing since we first made application in 1987.

Neither of these organizations, of course, can guarantee that gifts are administered well. The ultimate responsibility for that lies with every missionary within our fellowshiip. All of us like Paul aim to “do what is right.” And like Paul, we have “reputable men” to back us along the way.

The financial statements produced by our auditors are available upon request. Our ECFA profile can be found at by clicking on “Member Search” and typing in World Mission Prayer League.

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