Greetings from Minneapolis. As I write this article, I am just finishing up my third week as the new Administrative Director of World Mission Prayer League. I would like to use a few lines here to introduce myself, as I may not be familiar to many readers. I grew up in Minnesota, and after serving for a time on a submarine in the Navy, I have spent most of the last decade and a half working in the nuclear power industry. My wife Jenny and I have four children: 4, 5, 8, and 11 years old. My family and I joined WMPL in 2017 and subsequently served in Central Asia. After returning home to the U.S., I was able to get a job back at the power plant in which I had worked previously.
How did I come to serve in the home office? Several months ago, Chris began to ask for prayer for someone to replace him as Administrative Director so he could return to his field of service overseas. My family and I prayed for that as well. As we did, we began to hear God’s call to serve in this role. I am so humbled to be able to serve the body of Christ in this way with the Prayer League. As Chris has been training me over the past few weeks, there have been challenges, and I have a lot to learn in my new job. I am encouraged by 2 Corinthians 3:5, “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” I trust that God will provide what I need to do the job to which he has called me.

We continue to pray and wait expectantly for God to provide additional help in the business office. We have need for someone to help with bookkeeping on a part-time basis going forward. Please continue with us to lift up this prayer to the Lord.
One of the blessings of my new job is to be able to see God’s provision for the ministry each and every day. Your generosity is both humbling and encouraging. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. The ministry of the World Mission Prayer League is dependent on God’s provision day by day. Through your prayers and generous giving, you are helping to “proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).