He is Still Lord of the Harvest

Summer has ended. The hot sticky summer days are gone, leaves are changing color and falling, and the daylight hours are fewer than those of the night. For some of us who love summer (baseball, farmers market, corn on the cob, flowers everywhere, and whatever else you love about summer), there is a sadness when this beautiful season comes to an end. But the author of it all reminds us, “For everything there is a time and a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT) The Lord prepares every intricate detail that comes with each season. There is a reason why the days are shorter and cooler. There is a reason why the seasons change at all. We do not take part in the planning or understand the timing, but we experience the beauty and splendor of every season. This is a gift from God.

There are many seasons in ministry and in personal lives, too. We do not always see or take part in the intricate planning of it all. Yet the Lord of the harvest is at work daily. He himself tells us, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Luke 10:2 NLT) The Lord of the harvest has prepared and called the hearts of workers –both those going “away” to the fields and those working in the home office. The Lord of the harvest has opened doors for visas and provided generously through the hearts of donors near and far. The Lord has prepared the hearts of those in the field, yearning and searching for him knowingly and unknowingly. In his time, the Lord brings it all together. He does it through a meeting over chai, an English lesson at a refugee camp or a college in South East Asia, and through his word miraculously translated into a specific language. God works it out so that one soul in a remote village comes to know him at just the right time: “At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.” (Isaiah 60:22 NLT)

Thank you for being a part of what the Lord of the harvest is doing through the World Mission Prayer League. He has called all of us. The harvest is plenty.

Lord of the harvest, thank you for calling us to be a part of your kingdom in every season. Thank you for hearts you have prepared to take part in the kingdom harvest through prayer, giving of time, and material resources. You are the Lord of the harvest! Amen.


ALLOWANCE: Designated Support Funds:$37,279
General Support Fund:$32,973
Transfer from General Fund:$ –
BENEFITS: Designated Support Funds:$53,699
Transfer from Estate Fund:$ –
Donations to Benefits Fund:$75
Number of full-time worker units:26
Worker Units with 100% allowance26
Minimum allowance provided:100%

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