
At a recent men’s retreat we studied the book of Jonah using Timothy Keller’s book The Prodigal Prophet. We all know the story of Jonah, who fled from God rather than going to warn the people of Nineveh that they were coming under the judgment of God. He was afraid that they would listen, and that God, who is merciful and compassionate, would forgive them. Jonah wanted them punished.

Through a series of events – a storm at sea, being thrown overboard, being swallowed by a whale and vomited up on the beach three days later, God convinces Jonah to go to Nineveh. So, Jonah goes to Nineveh and warns them that God is angry with them. Much to Jonah’s chagrin, they listened and repented. Even knowing that they repented, Jonah builds himself a shelter on a hill east of town and watches in hope that God will rain fire and brimstone down on them like he did on Sodom and Gomorrah.

One of the retreat’s leaders asked an insightful question: “Was Jonah a success?” During our discussion of the question we noticed several positive outcomes. The people of Nineveh listened to Jonah’s preaching and 120,000 of them were saved, along with some cows. Through Jonah’s rebellion a group of pagan sailors learned of Jonah’s God, witnessed his power over nature, and prayed to him. Jonah, on the other hand, did not make a very good showing. As a matter of fact, the mission was a success despite him.

As I look at this story from the perspective of a missionary, I can’t help but notice that the emphasis is on God’s contribution to the success of the mission, not Jonah’s. God is ultimately in control of the outcome; he will save as he wills. As I look back on my service as a missionary, in which there were both successes and failures, I gain some solace from recognizing that salvation is of the Lord, not me. We are imperfect vessels God has chosen to use for his purpose. Our role is to seek his will, listen for his calling, be obedient to the best of our abilities, and give him the glory.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

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