“Curse of the Lottery”

“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” (Proverbs 10:4)

We have all seen the news reports of recent lottery winners, and the pictures of their smiles while receiving that oversized check. If you are like me, your mind then wanders into thinking what you would do with all that money if you were to win. The smiles quickly fade, however, and many lottery winners have depressing stories five or ten years down the road. An Internet search will reveal many stories of what some have called the “curse of the lottery.” I found it difficult to find happy endings to these lottery-winning stories. Is there a curse?

The Book of Proverbs has a lot to say about wealth and poverty. In almost every mention, the central point is not about finances but rather personal character. Things like righteousness, fear of God, a diligent work ethic, and wisdom are far more important than one’s wealth or lack of it. Are you poor in finances? No matter; the Proverbs say that it is better to be righteous than wealthy. Are you wealthy? Good; wealth is also a gift from God. The Proverbs are clear that wealth is fleeting for those who receive it dishonestly. And when it comes to the final judgment, the Proverbs say that “wealth is worthless on the day of wrath” (Proverbs 11:4). Those desiring a wealth that endures should not seek wealth but wisdom.

Although wealth and poverty are common topics in the Book of Proverbs, it is mostly to point out their lack of significance. The righteous will thrive whether wealthy or not, and the diligent worker will do well. Those who are lazy, greedy or unjust will not do well, in the end. They may be wealthy for a moment, but their wealth is temporary. Good character is not.

So, is there a “lottery curse”? Not exactly. The curse for lottery winners and non-winners alike is sin. Those who win the lottery may receive more attention than the rest of us, but we are all sinners headed toward an unhappy end without the grace of God. The remedy for the curse is righteousness, wisdom, faith, and the fear of the Lord – available through Jesus to lottery winners and non-winners alike.

In November we were able to pay all of our missionaries 100 percent of their target allowance. We used $40,767 from the General Fund to meet these needs, leaving a General Fund balance of $36,741 at the end of November. Our Benefits Fund carried a balance of $179,676.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

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