Our Lord’s Provision

Now that the “dust has settled” from closing the financial books of 2023, I would like to show you how the Lord of the harvest has chosen to financially provide for the World Mission Prayer League this past year.

Praise God that more than 3.4 million dollars were received from individual donors, churches, and other organizations. This means that donations for the year 2023 increased by more than 1 million dollars or 37 percent from 2022. Meanwhile, last year’s overall investment performance was similar to the previous year, even though we experienced some investment loses.

Donations designated to the Mission General Fund decreased by 8 percent, from $621,000 to $573,000. Donations designated to our workers’ support and benefits decreased by 7 percent. Donations designated to specific worker’s ministries also decreased by 7 percent. In contrast, donations for projects almost doubled compared to the previous year, from $494,000 to $976,000.

Our total expenses increased by 1 percent in 2023. Expenses directly related to our workers’ allowances decreased by 4 percent yet, amidst the continued increase in health care costs, expenses related to workers’ health insurance decreased by 15 percent.

It is important to mention that in April and May of 2023, about 16 workers received short allowances. Our Board of Directors approved the use of estate funds to raise short allowances up to 80 percent and $23,300 were used from the Estate Fund for this purpose.

There is so much to attest to the Lord’s gracious provision to the World Mission Prayer League in 2023. We praise him for inviting us into this Kingdom work – to pray for the lost and his church, to reach those who have yet to know their Savior, to invite them into relationship with their living Lord, and to disciple and mobilize those called to be a blessing to the nations. Thank you for your pledge to pray and partner with the World Mission Prayer League!


ALLOWANCE: Designated Support Funds: $43,547
Transfer from General Fund$29,143
BENEFITS: Designated Support Funds: $55,623
Donations to Benefits Fund: $75
Number of full-time worker units: 28
Worker Units with 100% allowance28
Minimum allowance provided: 100%

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