In Business School we are taught about “financial leverage.” A lever, of course, is a tool designed to produce output force greater than input force. In the area of finance, a very common “lever” is debt. Investors will use OPM (other people’s money) to buy assets with less of their own money, thereby increasing the potential rate of return on their investment. While debt increases risk, when used judiciously, it can “leverage” greater return.
The World Mission Prayer League doesn’t use “levers” like these. In fact, we believe in the principle of non-indebtedness. We consider it a part of “The Prayer League Way,” as explained in our Handbook. It is not that we consider debt to be inherently wrong. It is more that we have found it impractical. First, our missionaries are supported quite modestly and would find it difficult to service an ongoing debt. Secondly, we want our loyalty to be to Christ alone – and don’t want to feel divided between Christ and the lender who holds our debt. Even if entered for convenience sake and money is available to cover it, debt can be difficult and time consuming to manage.
“The Prayer League Way” also encourages a simple lifestyle, in order to use the resources God provides responsibly. Debt may encourage us to live beyond our means. We are constantly bombarded with advertising for products we are told that we need for a happy life. Easy access to our credit cards sometimes makes this temptation overpowering. While living in Bangladesh I didn’t have access to many material goods, and I am so grateful to have learned that I don’t need all this stuff. Credit cards can be a useful tool. But not if they become a trap.

There is another hazard with easy credit. Easy credit can tempt us to move faster or take on larger projects than we would otherwise. In our enthusiasm to do good works, this can lead us to get out in front of the Lord. When we get out in front we are no longer depending on God and may find ourselves steering our own path, and “leaning on our own understanding.”
It can be a blessing to have limited resources – when limited resources deepen our dependence on God. For the World Mission Prayer League, dependence is the right kind of “lever.”