Here is a powerful metaphor from a Charles Spurgeon morning devotional: Salvation through Christ is like a public drinking fountain. You may drink from it freely.
This metaphor got me thinking about the people who do not partake of this free blessing. Who would not drink from a free drinking fountain? Those who don’t know they need it, who are not thirsty. Perhaps those who are blind and cannot find it. Or, perhaps those who have never heard there is relief for their thirst. These are the people we can help. For those who know of their need, we can lead them to the fountain and explain how to partake of it; for those who don’t know their need, we can help them discover it.
Charles Spurgeon points out another group that won’t drink from this fountain – the proud. Spurgeon likens these people to rich people riding by in their carriages. They are very thirsty, but they are too proud to get down and acknowledge that the way to heaven for them is the same as that for the harlot and the thief. They want to rely on their good works to earn them a place. I must confess, these are the people I can identify with. I struggle with the thought that after accepting Christ and what he did for me, I am still a sinner in need of salvation. It is easy for us working in ministry to fall into the pride trap of thinking we are earning favor with the Lord. From time to time, I need to intentionally get down from my high horse and drink from his fountain. I thank the Lord for the people he put in my path to show me where that fountain was and how to use it.

Thank you for your gifts that enable us to send out people to those in need of a drink. I am happy to say that your generosity has enabled us to pay full allowances every month this year. Please continue to give out of your love for Christ and for those who are thirsty, not out of guilt or pride.
Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.
Revelation 22:17b NLT