WMPL’s 2006 Story

WMPLs 2006 story
told through financial statements

The business office has been bustling with activity for the past couple of weeks. Each new year means that it is time to put the finishing touches on the year just ended. After all of the figures are checked and double checked, we are able to compile the financial statements for the year. I like this time of year. It is satisfying to wrap up one year and take some time to look and see what kind of story God might be telling us through the finances of the Mission. Here are some of the highlights of 2006.

Regular donations for the year 2006 were up 2% over 2005 donations. Over 2.2 million dollars was received from individual donors, churches, and other organizations. Donations to the Missions General Fund were up fully 49%, from $419,000 to $623,000. Donations to missionary Support Funds were up 1% for the year. Donations to specific work and project funds were down slightly.

Overall expenses were down 3% in 2006. Expenses directly related to missionary allowances increased by 2% while the average number of missionaries receiving allowance increased by 6%. Missionary fielding costs increase each year with or without an increase in allowances because of rapid increases in health care costs up 18% last year. Please pray that God would provide us with some relief in this area. Expenses related to Information & Publicity more than doubled in 2006. This was the result of an effort to expand the monthly newsletter and to increase the number of publications sent from the Prayer League. We are happy with the results and pray that God will bless this effort.

So what is God saying to us? Well, we can see that God is still blessing this operation. The number of full-time missionaries, after a significant increase in 2005, has crept up again in 2006. In addition, many have indicated that they believe in what the Prayer League is doing by giving to the Missions General Fund and giving generously.

There are some things that the numbers do not show. A look at the year-end summary does not tell us anything about Gods timing. We saw on several occasions that God moved in the right people at the right time to provide just what was needed. Two times in 2006 we met all of the months needs by less than $100. It is incredible to see it when it happens. God motivates some to make small donations and others large donations and in the end, we add it all up, and it equals the amount we need. Personally, I would prefer to have more funds on reserve, but this is the way God has blessed us in 2006 and it has been wonderful to see.