We Make It Our Ambition To Depend Upon God

The World Mission Prayer League Handbook states: The Mission’s finances are received, acknowledged, managed and disbursed in a manner consistent with our spiritual values and commitments. We might call it “the Prayer League way.” One practical implication of the Prayer League way is our policy of non-solicitation. We make it our ambition to depend on God in prayer for all things. This policy is based on Hudson Taylor’s fundamental faith conviction that “God’s person, doing God’s work, in God’s place and timing, will never lack God’s supply.” It is also our desire to avoid diverting support which would otherwise go to the regular work of the churches.

Since we are not out asking for support, I get numerous calls from people wanting to know how to support our missionaries. I usually direct them to the “Give” page on our website, which enables giving by credit card or automatic checking withdrawal for single or recurring gifts. On that page you will see several funds through which gifts are channeled. We receive gifts for the General Fund, the General Missionary Support Fund, and Direct Missionary Support. The General Fund covers the costs of mission wide expenses like utilities, office supplies and maintenance, and administration. Once those costs are covered, remaining funds go to the General Missionary Support Fund for those who do not have full direct support. Funds designated for the support of a particular missionary are split: 48% going to cover benefits such as health insurance, retirement and housing, and 52% going to allowance. In addition to these funds, each missionary also has a Ministry Fund, which is used for costs incurred in the performance of their ministry such as office and travel expenses, children’s education and/or specific projects.

Ultimately, “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” (James 1:17), and we are happy to praise God for his provision. On the other hand, we know he supplies his provision through you, and we thank you for cooperating with him. While we do not make direct solicitation of funds, we do not think it inappropriate to share our needs with praying friends and members of our community, or with others who specifically request information. So, feel free to call at any time.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

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