
Good News: He Lives!

As we enjoy time outside in God’s creation, observing new life springing up around us, the newness can remind us to focus on God’s love for all peoples and the new life he wants them to have and us to share

Overflowing hope in Tank

We have seen God’s hope overflowing from this truly unique Christian ministry into the largely non-Christian community that surrou

All That God Has Provided

If the lowly animals do not complain about the weather, then who am I to complain? I can simply look to them and follow their lead, giving glory to God for his creation

God’s Got This: Missio Dei and the Pandemic

The historical disruptions caused by the pandemic have provided us an unparalleled opportunity to experience afresh our deep dependency on God for the ways we engage in mission, and to realign our understandings and practices accordingly.

Those Given a Trust

We practice good stewardship and look to wisely put the money to use, honoring your designated giving and then, after evaluating needs for current projects and programs, applying any additional funds accordingly.

From the Business Manager

Whether it is how we worship, spend time with our families or take vacation, we can all agree that our lives have changed. But one thing that never changes is God and his love for us.

The Great Gift: Jesus

As we enter the Christmas season, we are reminded about God’s great gift to us – Jesus. During Christmas, we give gifts to those that we love and care about.

More Mangers Await

Looking at the manger, we see that Jesus came not with divine power and spectacle, nor by human plan or design, but in the lowliest and unlikeliest of earthly conditions, for the sake of those who were themselves lowly and lost sinners.