As I come to the end of my second month as Administrative Director in the World Mission Prayer League (WMPL) business office, I continue to be amazed and humbled by God’s provision and your generosity. I am learning to worry less and trust more. Just when I begin to worry about how the expenses should be paid next month, a donation arrives to cover the costs. God is good.
What should our attitude be towards this supply that God has provided? The WMPL Handbook states that, “It is the Prayer League way to depend upon God to meet our needs day-by-day, month-by-month, and year-by-year… that we tend to disburse what resources we receive as we receive them. We receive them as the provision of God; we are eager to put them to work” (¶140,141). Further, our WMPL Policy Governance Manual directs that we “shall not hold on to resources tightly in anticipation of eventualities that may never come” (2.5.5). Most importantly, our Lord Jesus commands, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy” (Luke 12:32,33 ESV).

So, what should our attitude be towards the supply God has provided through your generosity? Our attitude is one of urgency. We are eager to put these funds to work to bring God’s Kingdom to those who have little or no access to the gospel. We are currently evaluating all of our projects to make sure we are applying appropriate urgency to the task God has assigned us. It has been difficult over the last year to continue many of our projects. Many of our global workers had to leave their fields of service and are just now returning overseas. New political and financial barriers have arisen. As we make plans to overcome these barriers in order to continue or restart our projects, please pray with us for doors to continue to open for our work among the unreached. Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send more workers to these areas to put to work the funds he has supplied.
We pray for Christ’s return. Pray with us that, when he comes, the WMPL accounts will be empty because every last penny he has graciously supplied to us has been spent for the advance of his kingdom among the unreached. Come, Lord Jesus!