Behind the Scenes and At the Feet of Jesus

Do you enjoy going to the movies? I do. Are you one of those people who stay until the very end of the movie in order to watch the closing credits? My wife is. And therefore, I am, too! As I watch the long list of names, I’m always amazed at how many talented people, the great majority of them entirely unseen and unknown, were required to produce the movie. These gifted individuals worked “behind the scenes” to produce something that I enjoyed. It’s an amazing thing.

Perhaps you won’t be so amazed when I tell you that there are many people “working behind the scenes” in the World Mission Prayer League. On the other hand, you may not be fully aware of who they are and what they do. I don’t have space in this article for a complete list of those “who’s” and “what’s,” but I do want to share with you the importance of our home office workers and how you can join me in praying for them.

Mission Home

As I write this, I am “on the road” visiting ministry partners in Latin America. While “on the road,” however, I’m very conscious of those who are “in the office.” In fact, I depend upon them! Most workers of the Prayer League are, in fact, “on the road,” sent to various countries around the world to share the gospel in word and deed. However, other workers, whom we sometimes refer to as the “senders,” pursue their ministries largely “behind the scenes” and “in the office,” doing things that those who are “sent” require.

Here’s what I want to keep always in mind, and I encourage you to do the same: whether among the “sent” or among the “senders,” all WMPL workers are called. All are serving the Lord and his mission. All are necessary. Indeed, I want to say that, in a way, all are missionaries. “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’” Paul reminds us. “On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable” (1 Corinthians 12:18,22).

I don’t want to suggest that the workers in our home office are “weaker.” By no means! But I wonder if sometimes they’re not fully considered or remembered. Our purpose is to pray for the nations and to respond to the Lord’s calling that those who have not known him would be given that opportunity. To reach those frontiers, however, and even to mobilize others to prayer, we need workers “behind the scenes.”

Our workers “in the office” keep their eyes on the world as they receive reports from our global workers. They devote themselves to the same mission as they provide essential support services. They gather regularly in prayer for the nations and for our global workers, and they work hard to equip others, like you, to do the same. They come together in a “league-like” community to live simply and to encourage one another. They need your prayers and support, as do all of our workers.

I appreciate the lesson to be learned from the story of Mary and Martha wherein Jesus explains to Martha that her sister had chosen what was “better” when she was found sitting at his feet. We should avoid busying ourselves such that we don’t have time for Jesus! Nonetheless, sometimes I think Martha gets a bad rap! After all, shouldn’t we appreciate the efforts of those who prepare and serve our food? Shouldn’t we appreciate those who work “behind the scenes?”

I might say we have both Mary and Martha types in WMPL. We have those who are sent and those who send; those who are “on the road” and those who are “in the office.” But of this I can assure you: they are all “at the feet of Jesus.” First and foremost, we all receive grace, life and direction from Jesus.

As you pray for the nations, and for our global workers, please also pray for our workers “behind the scenes.” Pray for their health: spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational. Pray for their families and marriages. Pray for clarity and effectiveness in the many tasks they undertake. Pray that the Lord would guide the ongoing reorganization of our home office teams and the implementation of Policy Governance, recently established by our Home Council. Pray that the Spirit would gift our home staff with vision, energy and unity! Pray that God would help them trust him for their physical and financial needs, and that he would provide the same. Thank the Lord of the harvest for providing remarkable and gifted workers so willing to dedicate themselves sacrificially to the “behind the scenes” work of WMPL, and ask him to send new and younger workers willing and able to do the same. This is a great need! And finally, whether we find ourselves “on the road” or “in the office,” pray that we would always see ourselves at the feet of Jesus. May you, too, by God’s grace find yourself there.

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