Jesus is Messing With Us
Things simply don’t always go as we might plan or wish. Is Jesus somehow messing with us?
Articles published in the monthly Together in Prayer newsletter.
Things simply don’t always go as we might plan or wish. Is Jesus somehow messing with us?
The world is going through uncertainty right now, but as believers we pray and put our trust in God, for he will continue to provide for us.
Life with Jesus is much more than a heartwarming experience. God knows that he must do a fiery work within us, setting aflame within us his purifying truth, enlightening us to our Savior, and branding us forever as his children, with lives redeemed and hopes restored.
Our mission field may be in our own neighborhood, in a little village, or in a huge city halfway across the world. But no matter where it lies, the mission to share Christ’s love with everyone remains the same.
In the Bible, it seems God often sends people up to higher terrain in order to give them a different perspective on things, and not just on the scenery.
As we enjoy time outside in God’s creation, observing new life springing up around us, the newness can remind us to focus on God’s love for all peoples and the new life he wants them to have and us to share
We have seen God’s hope overflowing from this truly unique Christian ministry into the largely non-Christian community that surrou
If the lowly animals do not complain about the weather, then who am I to complain? I can simply look to them and follow their lead, giving glory to God for his creation
The historical disruptions caused by the pandemic have provided us an unparalleled opportunity to experience afresh our deep dependency on God for the ways we engage in mission, and to realign our understandings and practices accordingly.
We practice good stewardship and look to wisely put the money to use, honoring your designated giving and then, after evaluating needs for current projects and programs, applying any additional funds accordingly.