Have you ever wondered what costs are associated with supporting WMPL workers, or felt called to support a worker but didn’t know who might still need additional support? Every month our business office receives emails and phone calls asking these same questions.
The different expenses required to support our workers are called “Fielding Costs” and include a monthly allowance, housing, health insurance, retirement benefits, and taxes. In order to improve transparency and provide additional information, you can now access this information on our website at WMPL Workers.
From this page, click on a worker to see individual fielding costs. An example is shown in this pie chart.

You’ll notice that the percentage of fielding costs met for many of our workers is less than 100%. When funds are available, these shortages are supplemented by donations to the General Fund; when funds are not available, these workers would experience short allowances for that month. Although allowances have been short in the past, WMPL has recently been able to pay 100% allowances for many months in a row. Praise God!

As our Handbook states, “We believe, with Hudson Taylor, that ‘God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply’” (¶128). The Handbook goes on to explain, “We think it appropriate to share our needs with praying friends… to elicit and encourage prayer” (¶130). My prayer is that this additional information will prove useful as you lift up the needs of our workers to our Heavenly Father. He is faithful; we may depend upon him to provide in every way for his work around the world.