Health Care

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010, by President Obama. Until now there have been only a couple of small changes affecting our group health plan. Eligibility for dependent coverage, for example, has been extended through the age of 26. But the major changes scheduled for January 1, 2014, are just around the corner — and they have the potential to significantly change the World Mission Prayer League’s group health coverage.

There are many things that I don’t know about PPACA, which made me feel like I should not write about it just yet, but I decided that now is the time to solicit your prayer support on this matter. Please pray for wisdom for those of us who will be involved in the decision-making process, and for the health care experts who will be advising us. Through the years we have been able to provide good health care for our missionaries. Pray that we will be able to continue to provide good health care, and that it will become more affordable.

Here is one example of the challenges we face. According to our health care advisers, the first thing that must be determined before the 2014 renewal is whether or not we are a “large group.” PPACA defines a large group as one with more than 50 members. It seems a simple calculation, but our health care advisers are not sure if missionaries who spend most of their time outside of the U.S. are included when calculating group size. Since most of our people are stationed overseas there are differing opinions even on this seemingly basic question. Our advisers have told me that they are waiting for clarification from the government regarding many additional points of the new law. So there are a lot of questions yet to be answered in a relatively short time.

Please do not take my commentary as an argument for or against national health care. It is neither. I am simply letting you all know that during the next few months significant decisions will be made regarding this important issue, both here at the Prayer League and at the national level. As always, we will turn to God in prayer about these matters and trust for his provision. I ask that you join us in prayer in the coming months.

In April all of our missionaries received 100 percent of their target allowance. We used $34,115 from the General Fund to meet these needs, leaving a General Fund balance of $75,986 at the end of April. Our Benefits Fund carried a balance of $71,117. Thank you for your ongoing support!

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