In Plenty or in Want, We Praise the Lord!

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:12-13 NIV

I have been reading old monthly allowance report letters (some date back four decades) from our Business Office to our global workers. Some encouraging letters begin with sentences like, “What a joy it is to report that everyone received full allowances!” or “Praise the Lord for the provision of full allowances this month!” Other less encouraging ones begin with “This month there is not enough money for full allowances,” or “This is the fourth month in a row that we have experienced short allowances,” and my personal favorite, “It almost feels like this is a broken record with every month reporting short allowances.”

We have been dealing with the possibility of short allowances since the day the World Mission Prayer League was formed. In fact, our handbook states that the Prayer League cannot promise or guarantee that workers will always receive full allowances. That is why the Prayer League makes the distinction between ordinary salaries, which are typically fixed wages paid by an employer to employees, and allowances, which we believe are provided by God himself to our workers for their volunteer service. (¶139, WMPL Handbook 2015). It is one of our guiding principles to fully depend on God’s provision and faithfulness to supply for our basic needs and to be able to accomplish the work around the world that he has laid before us.

We can be joyful and thankful that for the last several consecutive years workers have received allowances in full. Praise our Lord, Jehovah Jireh, our provider!

Allow me to share with you our allowance situation for this month: our Lord has seen fit to supply less than full support. As I write, close to the end of the month, our general support fund is about $18,000 short from meeting full allowances. It is highly possible that our workers will receive short allowances this month. Moreover, while we don’t pretend to know God’s will or to predict the future, based on recent financial activity, we think that we might face more short allowances in the next few months. Considering the potential for short allowances, our Board of Directors decided this past February to authorize the use of undesignated Estate Funds to meet any shortfalls in allowances up to 80% until October.

So, how do we respond to short allowances? We pray and praise our Lord for that, too! We take this as an opportunity to grow in our dependence on God. We thank and praise the Lord for putting it in the hearts of many faithful supporters to generously give and pray for the Prayer League.


ALLOWANCE: Designated Support: $43,116
General Support: $30,906
BENEFITS: Designated Support: $43,218
Transfer from Estate/Redesignated Funds: $12,362
Donations to Benefits Fund: $75
Number of full-time worker units: 30
Minimum allowance provided: 100%

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