Last Will and Testament

“I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” – John 1:34

Over the years I have had the privilege of reading scores of wills written by brothers and sisters who have named the World Mission Prayer League as a beneficiary in their estate. Mostly, the wills are full of legalese and are pretty difficult to understand. A few people however, use their last will and testament to testify one last time about Jesus.

Recently I read this in a will:

I…being of sound mind and disposing memory realize the uncertainty of this life, but trust in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whom we have eternal life, to take me to himself to live, with him in his glory. My deepest wish is that all who read this, my Last Will and Testament, will also have or come to have this same trust in Jesus, so that we may be reunited to live together with him forever.”

Another sister left a detailed list explaining who was to inherit each of her possessions. But just to make sure she added “if there shall be any conflict concerning the giving of said property, I ask that they pray about it and let God lead them.”

The testimony about these brothers and sisters comes from their relatives also. It is an added bonus to receive notes from family members about the life and testimony of their loved ones. They describe people that come from a wide variety of career paths, but who seem to have a common thread of frugality, devotion to the Lord and to family, and a particular interest in missions. Even when there is not explicit testimony in the words of will, their testimony is evident in the distribution of their estate. In a random sample of estates that we received, I found that 43 percent was designated for the work of missions, while 24 percent was left to other charities and 33 percent to family and friends.

What should this mean for us? In the past four months WMPL has received a large amount in estate gifts. It is a blessing to receive these gifts that really are the last “testament” of the faith and lives of these dear brothers and sisters. We will continue to treat them as gifts from God himself and we will use them, with God’s help, to effectively spread his Word around the world.

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